The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) provide an exciting start for our youngest students. A wide range of topics provides countless opportunities for children to learn through play and exploration, through which they construct their own understanding of the world around them. Learning through structured play underpins our philosophy for early years development and builds their knowledge and skills in mathematical concepts, language and communication, personal, social, and emotional growth, and physical gross and fine motor skills.
To develop each child's understanding of the world, we use exciting topics from the IEYC like Dinosaur Detectives, Ocean Treasures, and Animal Rescuers. Each trimester we select one or two overarching topics which promote creative expression and intellectual understanding. Parents are invited onto campus throughout the year to engage in student learning via end-of-topic presentations of work. These events are a wonderful way for children to showcase their learning: the children themselves become the teachers and experts in their field.
The International Early Years Curriculum offers a creative yet rigorous education with inquiry-based learning at its core. By differentiating between knowledge, skills, and understanding, our students can question, explore, research, investigate, process, explain and present their learning.
The learning journey continues with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) which is intended for children aged 5 to 12. The IPC was designed from the beginning to provide a dynamic, exciting, exploratory international curriculum that would allow students to learn about the country in which they are living and about “home” wherever that might be.
Students explore a wide variety of topics through the various lenses of different subject areas. The topics are intended to be engaging and ask the children to develop their own understandings. So, from Footprints from the Past, to a Mission to Mars, to The Stories People Tell, our students explore the world around them nurturing their curiosity while developing their academic skills. Great learning! Great fun!